On Tuesday, July 11, beginning at 6:30 pm the Woods Hole Public Library will host a “garden warming” party in their new pollinator-friendly garden space behind the Library building. The space was recently transformed from a forgotten corner of invasive plants, to a beautiful sanctuary for both people and pollinators. Designed by Josh and Lauren Leveque of Little Harbor Gardens, and funded in part with support from the Woods Hole Foundation, the garden features a small seating area and a variety of perennial plants that have been chosen with the goal of supporting our struggling pollinator insects.
Directly after the reception, at 7:30 pm, the Library’s Annual Meeting will be held in the lower level meeting room. After a brief business meeting garden designers Josh and Lauren Leveque will describe their work creating the Library’s garden, as well as many other pollinator-friendly spaces. Lauren, Josh, and their three children live in Woods Hole, where they tend extensive gardens overlooking Little Harbor, raising a wide array of vegetables, flowers and herbs, and custom-growing a variety of specialty plants for their clients.