Applications: November 12 to December 12
The Woods Hole Public Library is pleased to offer an exciting new program for local teenagers interested in audio and radio production. The Library has teamed-up with Woods Hole-based website to offer a week-long audio storytelling workshop for twelve Upper Cape high school students over the 2015 February school vacation – the 16th through the 20th.
Participating students will expand their writing, interviewing and organizational skills, as they become familiar with the recording and editing equipment and software used in radio production. The week-long workshop, which runs 9-5 each day, will end with a public presentation of these short audio pieces at the Woods Hole Library. Some may ultimately be aired on local public radio station WCAI.
Students will be selected from Falmouth, Mashpee, and Bourne high schools. Other than a $50 equipment fee per student, the workshop will be offered at no cost, thanks to a generous grant from the Brabson Library and Educational Foundation. Participants must have a laptop computer and daily transportation to and from Woods Hole Library for the full five days of the workshop.
Jay Allison – who founded WCAI and later, Atlantic Public Media – launched in 2001. Transom is a Peabody Award winning, world renowned website featuring tools and inspiration for telling stories for radio, the web, and elsewhere. Building on the success of the website, Transom started the Transom Story Workshop in 2011, an eight-week radio production course in Woods Hole. Transom now offers 1-week Traveling Workshops around the country. While this will be the first workshop for teenagers offered by the non-profit, Rob Rosenthal, the lead instructor of the Transom Workshops, has extensive background working with high school students while living in Maine, and is excited to reconnect with this age group.
Online applications will open November 12, 2014, and will close on December 12. Final student selection will be made within the following two weeks. For questions or more information, please call the Woods Hole Public Library at (508) 548-8961.
For more information, go to
Direct link to the application here.