Event Details

Event Details

Super Bowl Sunday Fabric and Yarn Swap/Sale

The last two years have seen such a wonderful outpouring of fabric and fiber enthusiasm, that the sale has now been deemed “annual”. The roots of the sale go back to the Falmouth fabric store, Fabric Corner, which unfortunately burned down about four years ago. For years, they had held an annual super sale on Super Bowl Sunday which was flooded by sewers and knitters escaping their home TV’s and football broadcast. This idea of the Woods Hole Library taking this sale on and furnishing it with donated fabric and yarns has met with a lot of enthusiasm. People with an oversupply of fabric or fiber and a will to clean out their storage areas are asked to donate their surplus to this fund-raiser for the Library where it will be packaged and labeled. They should bring in their offerings the week before the sale during Library hours , which include every day except Sunday, from 3 to 5:30 PM.

Come join the fun, and take home a fresh supply. All are invited to join in on what is sure to be a pleasurable day for fiber-o-philes. The prices at the sale will be extremely low, starting at $1 per yard and skein. After 2 PM on Sunday, customers may fill up a bag for just $ 10.

For donation drop-off, Library open hours are Monday 12-5:30 and 7-9 PM, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 3-5:30, Wednesday 10-5:30 and 7-9 PM, and Saturday 12-5:30 PM.

If it is impossible for donors to bring their fiber in during the week, they may still do so early Saturday afternoon when the Library is open.

For more information, call the Library at 508-548-8961.