Craig Dickson, who has retired from a career serving aboard oceanographic vessels, will present a program titled “Travels at Sea” at the Woods Hole Public Library on Wednesday, March 27, at 3PM.
Craig will talk about his time afloat, and show many of his fine photographs, providing a travelogue of his journeys. After consulting all the log books of the trips he was on, Mr. Dickson calculates that in his 34 year career, he set off on 407 cruises of varying lengths, from a few hours to 48 days. The WHOI vessels he sailed aboard are Atlantis, Lulu, Atlantis II, Oceanus, and the Knorr. In his earlier years, he served as a seaman, eventually sailing as an officer on the Atlantis, Atlantis II, Oceanus, and the Knorr. His talk is mainly about the places the ships sailed on the west coast of the Pacific. There will be many pictures of the ports the ships visited, as well as of the ships as they worked on station in the open sea.
This event is free and open to the public; entrance will be at the lower level which is handicapped accessible.