The Woods Hole Public Library will hold its annual meeting on Tuesday evening, July 9, at 8 PM. After a brief business meeting with reports by Director Margaret McCormick, President of the Board Robert Pelletreau, and Treasurer Robert Goldsborough, the speakers Simon Thorrold and Diana Wickman will take the floor, talking about “Bringing Sheep Back to Peterson Farm”.
Dr. Thorrold holds a Ph.D. from James Cook University of North Queensland in Marine Biology and is the lead researcher at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution’s Fish Ecology Lab. He has teamed with Diana Wickman, also of WHOI, to re-establish a herd of sheep at the farm tucked between Woods Hole and Falmouth center. Both people grew up on sheep farms, in New Zealand and Connecticut, respectively. Simon and his wife have two border collies, and Diana has four. Just as in the days of the previous shepherd Sue Schoen, the dogs will be training with the sheep.
So far, they have established a small flock of three different breeds on the site. The shepherds have many goals, primarily building up the flock, keeping the animals safe, and improving the land. They have put in new perimeter fences, yet more fencing is needed. They plan to eventually have a flock of 30 ewes and lambs every Springtime.
Thankfully, this year there have been lambs born at the farm. People have flocked to the farm to enjoy the cute little woolies, a scene which had been sorely missed over the last few years.
The public is invited to attend the meeting and the talk, which will be held in the Library’s lower level large meeting room