The Woods Hole Public Library will hold its annual meeting on Tuesday evening, July 13, at 7:30 PM. After a brief business meeting with reports by Director Margaret McCormick, President of the Board Vicky Cullen, and Treasurer Robert Goldsborough, speaker Ruth Gainer will take the floor to take about the recent change in name of Agassiz Road to Jewel Cobb Road.
When Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) developed the Gansett Woods for summer staff housing in the early 1920’s, they laid out the roads and named them for early scientists. Recently Woods Hole residents initiated a community wide campaign upon learning that the prominent scientist, Louis Agassiz, credited with inspiring the foundation of the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL), used his science in support of his racist theories. Seventeen illustrated panels give a step-by-step narrative of the way the name change came about.