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Event Details

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On Saturday afternoon, September 29 at 2 PM, noted local naturalist/teacher Becky Lash will present a program about Monarch butterflies at the Woods Hole Public Library. For years Becky has been introducing children to insects in entomology classes at the Children’s School of Science in Woods Hole. In fact, she can claim to have inspired some of her students to go on to graduate studies in entomology.

Throughout the late summer she has been supplying the Library with a constant crop of milkweed, complete with Monarch eggs and caterpillars. As the butterflies emerge from their chrysalises, the librarians have been tagging them and releasing them so that they can begin their long journey south to Mexico. Becky’s program at the Library will explain the life cycle of Monarchs, giving details of where they come from, how they live, and where they go. She will undoubtedly have some caterpillars or chrysalids to show. Her enthusiasm for these creatures will be contagious to all.