Woods Hole Library will be holding its annual Spring Plant Sale this year on Saturday, May 15, from 9 to 12. The library will be observing all CDC practices: masks must be worn, shoppers will be requested to keep a distance from each other, and shopper numbers will be limited if need be.
As always, all the plants come from community gardeners. This year, due to the pandemic, the library board cannot send out their usual team of helpers to dig out donated plants. Instead, they ask that donors bring them, already potted and labeled, to the Woods Hole Library the week before the sale. Pots and soil, as well as labels, are available at the library in the courtyard for people to use in potting up their plants. They welcome all perennials, house plants, and seedlings, as well as tubers, corms, and bulbs.
Please get in touch with questions by emailing WHPL.plantsale@gmail.com or by calling the Woods Hole Library between during open hours at (508) 548-8961.