The New Year brings yet another installment of Story Hour for Grownups to the Woods Hole Public Library, on Sunday, January 18, at 3 pm. The event is free and open to the public.
The afternoon’s program will open with an original story, “Where is Your Husband?” by local writer Helen Goodwin. An American woman is traveling alone in southeast Asia, a situation contrary to local custom and culture. Again and again she must account for the whereabouts of her “absent husband.” She is tempted to respond with a withering defense of women’s independence, but realizes that offending those who are expressing concern may deprive her of their assistance if she gets in a jam. She comes up with a suitable cover story to explain her unusual travel arrangements.
Jeannette Fullerton, whose acting experience and British accent enhance her readings and never fail to draw an appreciative audience, will share a story, “Lunch with Ruth Sykes.” In this piece from the recently released collection, The Stories of Jane Gardam, a mother and her physician daughter, Rosalind, share the same roof but dwell miles apart. Mrs. Thessally is cowed by her daughter’s overbearing personality but decides to interfere when Rosalind’s love life goes awry.
This next edition of Story Hour for Grownups will take place downstairs in the Community Room at the Woods Hole Public Library on January 18 at 3 pm. Doors will open at 2:30. If wintry weather conditions necessitate cancellation, there will be a message to that effect on the Library phone at 508-548-8961 and updated information will also be posted on the web site at