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Paula Pace, lifelong summer resident of Woods Hole (with many forays to WH in the off season) will speak about her recent trip to Kenya at the Woods Hole Public Library on Saturday, May 4 at 3 PM. She traveled to Africa in October 2018 with a group sponsored by MADRE, an international women’s human rights organization.

Ms. Pace is retired from a career as a public interest attorney, mediator, and dialogue facilitator.  She is also a grandmother, bicycle rider (all over Manhattan), nature lover, gardener (wild), and member/organizer of a women’s African drumming group. 

MADRE has been working with women and girls in crisis situations – war, famine, climate change – since its inception 35 years ago. Ms. Pace has been supporting the organization for many years and leapt at the chance to take part in this trip. “What an incredible opportunity the Kenya trip presented for me to see first-hand the work of an organization I believed in. Equally exciting, the trip itinerary involved meeting indigenous women coming together for a conference from all over Kenya. I was honestly beyond thrilled at the prospect of connecting with these women, learning about their lives, sharing mine.”

Ms. Pace was able to attend the conference, witness MADRE’s grass-roots projects, and make personal connections with the courageous indigenous women confronting both climate change and extreme patriarchy.

Come hear vivid details of this wonderful trip and MADRE’s mission, and share Ms. Pace’s enthusiasm for the country and its people.

This event is free and open to the public.