Are your wooden cutting boards and utensils looking a bit worn? The Woods Hole Public Library will continue their annual series of Winter Craft Workshops with a session on Thursday, March 5 at 7 PM for refreshing wooden cutting boards, spoons, rolling pins and other utensils. Participants, bring your boards and utensils and learn to make a simple, nontoxic conditioner, or ‘board butter’, from beeswax and food-grade mineral oil. At the workshop, rough surfaces will be sanded and the conditioner applied. Participants will need to buff conditioned surfaces with a soft cloth at home the following morning.
The session will be led by Librarian Kellie Porter and library assistant, Lauren Leveque; both enthusiastic cooks and crafters.
The workshop is free and open to the public, though the number of participants is limited. Interested people should call the Library at 508-548-8961 to register. A small materials fee will be payable at the class.