Event Details

Instructor:  Local gardener and educator Josh Leveque

As the populations of honey bees dwindle in the face of environmental hardships, the pollinating work of the native bees has been increasingly valued. Many of these small insects live in tiny holes in wood or stems.  Gardeners have been encouraged to build these mimic these simple structures as a way to further encourage the native bees. Josh will create the preferred homes of several of these native species.

During the session, Josh will teach participants how to make a “ home” to attract these important pollinators. The group will build one of the “hotels” and when it is finished, install it on the Library grounds. After this session, attendees should be able to easily make a native bee hotel at home to install on their own property.

This event is free and open to the public. For more information, call the Library at 508-548- 8961.