In celebration of this iconic butterfly, which are being reared at the library, at this event children will make costumes, mimicking any of the stages in the life cycle of the monarchs, be it caterpillar, chrysalis, or adult, or of the host plant, the wildflower Milkweed. The Library will provide basic materials, but participants are welcome to bring in their own materials if they have a very specific or unusual project in mind. Costume making will begin at 1 PM, and will continue, lightly supervised, for about an hour. This event is free, but pre-registration is suggested so that the Library has sufficient material on hand.
The following Saturday, October 1, after the 1 PM talk about Monarchs by Becky Lash which will hopefully include the release of one of the Library-reared adults, the children will join in a small Monarch parade, in costume, visiting some of the very local sites where Milkweed grows. The parade will culminate in the release of Milkweed seeds, as the children set them free to float up into the air. Children will of course be expected to take their costumes home, and maybe even save them for Halloween.
For more information, call the Library at 508-548-8961.