Event Details

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Event Details

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***Due to the dry/windy conditions we’ve been having that are not conducive to fungi, we’re postponing this event. If you are registered, we will be contacting you to reschedule!***

Larry Millman, author and mycologist, is returning to the Woods Hole Public Library for a talk and walk seeking mushrooms and other fungi. Last autumn, Larry gave a very popular series of mushroom walks from the Library, and the demand certainly outstripped the available time and opportunity. He is very knowledgeable and informative about the local fungi and loves teaching others about them. Since he enjoyed our local people and places, he is coming down from his home in Cambridge to look for fungi in the springtime. This event is scheduled for Saturday, May 22 at 2 PM. 

Millman has published several books about fungi, which will be available for purchase. Several are identification guides to Massachusetts species, but the most charming is Fungipedia, a small purple volume published by Princeton University Press which is described as “an illustrated mini-encyclopedia of fungal lore.” The illustrations are exquisite small pen and ink sketches, mostly of mushrooms, and the endpapers are, delightfully, decorated with purple spore prints. He has also published a volume of poetry, inspired by his field work in the Arctic. 

This event will start with a short talk outside in the Library’s courtyard, then participants will proceed to the walk site in their own cars. The talk will take less than one half hour, and the walk a bit over an hour in the woods.

Registration is required as numbers will be limited. Masks must be worn. To register, call the Library at 508-548-8961 or email whpl_mail@clamsnet.org.