Event Details

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Event Details

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On Saturday, there will be a “Pollinator Morning” at Falmouth Academy from 9:30-noon, co-hosted by the Library. Larry Dapsis, entomologist from the Cape Cod Co-operative Extension will give an approximately 45 minute talk called “Pollination Ecology – How Can We Help Bees?” This program will review honey bee biology and the factors responsible for the catastrophic losses in honeybee populations, both locally and nationally. In addition, Larry will review the state of wild pollinators like bumble bees and suggest ways residents can help them.

At the end of the talk, Larry will introduce a new insect identification App called Bee Smart. The group will then proceed outside where, with the assistance of Josh Leveque, everyone will learn to identify some of the more common insect pollinators. This is seen as the first step of a citizen science project that involves learning about pollinators, learning some basic identification and attempting to inventory the insects that are visiting the pollinator gardens at Falmouth Academy. The ultimate goal of this project is to survey the insects every year, and compare the current year’s data with that of previous years.  

In case of rain, the program will be held the following week, Saturday, June 29 at 9:30 AM.