Meghan Jones is a graduate student in marine geology and geophysics in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (MIT/WHOI) Joint Program in Oceanography. Her research interests include submarine volcanology, seafloor mapping, and deep sea technologies. She’ll be talking about “ the structure of the seafloor: what we know and how we know it.”
Megan May is a doctoral candidate in the MIT-WHOI Joint Program in Oceanography, working with Dr. Rebecca Gast. Megan’s dissertation focuses on characterizing and quantifying antibiotic resistance in the ocean. Megan is the co-president of the Broader Impacts Group and holds a certificate in Science, Technology, and Policy from MIT. In her free time, she enjoys reading at the beach and drinking local beers. In her talk, titled Mainly Microbes, she plans to cover “generally what microbes are, why we care about them, and what I study about them. “
Jim Yoder, WHOI’s Dean of Education will introduce the speakers.
The Joint Program between the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution has been in existence since 1968, linking these two topnotch academic institutions in a co-operative program in graduate studies in oceanography, granting a joint PhD. The students spend part of their time in Cambridge at MIT and part in Woods Hole. Typically, students spend the first two years of the program at MIT—though this depends on the student’s specialty and advisor. Most students spend summer semesters at WHOI. On both campuses, students have the resources of a world-class research institution at their fingertips.