Event Details

Event Details

The Woods Hole Public Library’s biggest book sale of the summer will begin at 10 AM and will be open until 5 PM. In the days following, the sale will be open during regular Library hours, until Labor Day weekend.

The sale will take up the whole large downstairs meeting room, with tables covered with books set up through-out the room, as well on all the wall shelves.

Book sale chair Camilla Larrey reports that books have been pouring in as gifts specifically for the sale. They include a large number of recent fiction, as always, as well as many “coffee table” art books. Many children’s books, both classic and current, have recently come in. One of the pleasures of this sale is that the books are arranged by subject, making shopping simple.

Prices continue to be very reasonable. The standard price for hard-backs is $2, for large paper-backs $1, and standard size paper backs, 50 cents. There are always very special books, both new and antique, at slightly higher prices.

For more information, either call the Library at 508-548-8961.