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The Woods Hole Public Library is again pleased to be offering a raffle of local pottery. Five Woods Hole potters: Anne Halpin, Ann Newbury, Hollis Engley, Ron Geering, and Tessa Morgan have all donated pieces of their distinctive work. Raffle tickets will be sold from now through December 10, when the winners will be drawn at the Library’s Holiday Party.
This event always draws admirers of these potters, all hoping to win a piece made by their favorite Woods Hole potter. All these potters are happy to donate to their local library. Tickets may be purchased at the Library, and can be designated to whichever piece the buyer prefers.
All the pieces are typical of their makers, and all are on view at the Library. Ann Newbury has donated a crock with both handle and lid. Ron has also donated a lidded crock, a fanciful cylinder of yellow with black polka dots with his signature bird resting atop. Anne Halpin’s donation is a bowl with a serene and peaceful green glaze with a blue border. Tessa’s piece is a large oval platter with a blue center surrounded by swimming sea turtles.
All the pottery is on view when the Library is open, which includes every late afternoon except Sunday. The specific hours are on our homepage.