Event Details

Eleanor_Kuhnsdeath-in-salem-coverThe Woods Hole Public Library is pleased to welcome author Eleanor Kuhns for a Book & Author Talk. Thanks to a Woods Hole summer resident who is a relative of Ms. Kuhns, the Library has known about her since her first book was published. Avid mystery readers who also love historical fiction, have eagerly looked forward to each new book in her series. Many CLAMS libraries own all her books and several have ordered her newest book even before it has been published, which will happen this month.

The books are set in the late 1790’s in and around a Shaker community in Maine. They include lots of details of that time period as well as presenting a suitably convoluted yet likely plot. One main character is a travelling weaver; another is a woman who has moved out of the Shaker community, yet lives nearby growing herbs for healing. All these details appeal to a certain sort of reader (which includes several local librarians, among others.) To make this author even more appealing, she is also a librarian!

Ms. Kuhns will talk about her new book, Death in Salem. Copies will be available for purchase and signing at the end of her talk which will take place at 7:30 PM in the meeting room in the lower level of the Library at 581 Woods Hole Road. For more details, call the Library at 508-548-8961.