Event Details

Event Details

The Woods Hole Public Library has again hosted a community-wide art project, based on local re-purposed materials. Several years ago the art material was aged-out nautical charts; this year the basis of the projects is old chairs. Each art project is a fund-raising source and will be on display until July 22, when a party will be held to celebrate the artists and auction off the chairs.

The history of the chairs begins with the Fishmonger restaurant, which closed its doors a year ago, bequeathing to the Library a number of their old wooden chairs. The chairs were offered to creative people to pick up, and transform it into a one-of-a-kind work of art.

They could be painted, decoupaged, yarn bombed, carved, or anything else. The display of the finished works will run from July 10 until July 22, when a party will be held to celebrate the artists and auction off the chairs.

NOTE: As of June 20, all Fishmonger chairs have been claimed.  Additional participants are welcome to provide a chair of their own to decorate as part of the exhibit and auction.