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Event Details

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One of Woods Hole’s delightful and zany ladies will be talking about some of her favorite words in a short program at the Woods Hole Public Library on Wednesday, August 24 at 4 PM. 

San Lyman has lived in Woods Hole for decades surrounded by friends, family (including her Lineaweaver sons) and words, with a dictionary always open and ready. In her early years she studied other languages as well as English starting with 5 years of Latin, followed by 5 years of Greek, some German and a bit of Spanish, and a “zillion years of French”. Among her many diverse jobs, she has owned two printing businesses, primarily due to her fascination with words. One was Woods Hole’s own Job Shop which she opened in the ‘60s. There she did typesetting and even typeset a whole book.

In her daily life, she delights in securing exactly the correct word to fit a meaning. 

In recent years her “work” has turned to painting, no words, lots of color, also delightful. Some of her paintings are on view in her studio on Millfield Street; one is in the Library’s collection. She thrums with her deep love for Woods Hole and its “quirky inhabitants”, in which she is happy to include herself.

Come join the throng and listen to San’s words, and catch some of her enthusiasm. The event is free and open to the public.