Event Details

Josh Leveque, who has been leading the Gardening Roundtable at the Woods Hole Public Library for the past year, has invited avid gardener Mike Race of Monument Beach who has been part of the roundtable since the beginning, to demonstrate inoculating logs with the spores of mushrooms.

At this session on Thursday, May 14, starting at 7 PM, participants will receive instructions on growing their own mushrooms. For only $8 people will be able to take home their own mushroom Logs, after they learn to inoculate them with the spores of the delectable Shitake mushroom.

Participants should sign up ahead of time, at least 1 week previous to the session, to guarantee that there will be enough logs for everyone; the number is limited to ten. Supplies needed for the evening are a drill, a 5/16 “ drill bit, and a rubber mallet. Logs, spores, plugs, and wax for sealing the plugs will be provided.

Call the Library at 508-548-8961 for more information and to sign up.