The Woods Hole Library will host Two 90 minute Sessions (March 11 and March 25 2015) from 2:30 to 4:00 PM to work together to understand more about Living and Dying.
Intended for anyone who believes that:
• For-warned is For-armed
• Information is best learned when shared
• I will die. So will you.
The Process: Each session will begin with informal and pre-selected readings from the books noted below (or others). The bulk of the session will be spent in facilitated groups of 5-8, with a refreshment break and a whole group discussion at the end.
The first session will raise challenges, and healthy approaches, to living with the many splendored process of aging. The end discussion will set the agenda for the second session.
The second session will address specifics of how we die. The end discussion will raise further work.
The Books (check your local library)
• How to Care for Aging Parents Virginia Morris
• Can’t We Talk about Something More Pleasant?: A Memoir Roz Chast
• Eldercare for Dummies Dr. Rachel Zukerman
• Deaths Door Sandra M. Gilbert
• Talking about Death Virginia Morris
• Being Mortal Atul Gawande
If you would like to attend and be notified of any changes in schedule
If you would like to attend a 1 hr training session and be a facilitator
if you would like more information or learn other ways to support and participate
please email steinbach.alan@gmail (with WHL Event in the subject line) or call
415-308-4035 (voice message or text is best).
The L&D Planning Group…Alan Steinbach PhD, MD; Sala Steinbach RN, CNM, CPE ; Heather Massey