With the cold days of winter upon us, the Woods Hole Public Library is looking forward to spring and all that it brings. We invite poets of all ages to submit a short form poem, less than fourteen lines, celebrating Spring in Woods Hole. The poems will be laminated and displayed throughout Woods Hole beginning April 1 and through all of Poetry Month. A map of the Poetry Walk will be available at the library.
Poets may choose to relate to a specific spot in Woods Hole but do not have to. Poems may be submitted in person at the Library or via email to whpl_mail@clamsnet.org. The deadline for submissions is Feb 28, 2023.
As a kick-off for this program, there will be a workshop on short poetry forms at the Library on Saturday February 4 at 1 PM, led by year-round resident Jon Hare, who is the author of the haiku volume of the pandemic “Through the Magnolia: a haiku diary from March & April 2020”. During this event he will focus on all three Japanese short forms (tanka, haiku and senryu). Aspiring poets of all ages are welcome to his presentation, which of course is free and open to the public.