The winter folktale “The Mitten” has been made popular most recently by Jan Brett who has written and illustrated the story with her attention to exquisite detail in the hand-stitched clothes of the family,rich in embroidery, and their cabin built at the edge of the forest, full of highly-detailed wooden carving. The animals themselves are also charming, even the ones with big teeth.
On Saturday, January 24 at 2 PM, Woods Hole Public Library’s librarians Margaret McCormick and Kellie Porter will read the story and teach an accompanying craft specifically tailored to young children. “Mittens” made of scraps of felted wool and “animals” hand-colored from preprinted templates on paper will be constructed by the children and their families, who are more than welcome to attend and help. The children will then be ready to re-tell and act out the story on their own.
This seasonal event is free and open to the public. For reservations and questions, call the Library at 508-548-8961.