Event Details

Event Details

The Woods Hole Public Library’s winter series of films for grown-ups begins on Wednesday evening, February 11th (postponed from January 26th due to the snow storm.) As has always been the case with the Library’s public viewing of recent films, due to licensing requirements, the name of the film cannot be stated in public announcements. Instead, the Library gives clues so the public can guess which film will be shown. As always, the Librarians are allowed, and happy to answer, direct questions, either in person or on the phone.

This first film was just released in August 2014. It is unusual in that it was filmed over the course of 13 years, tracing the life of a family, focusing on the son as he grows from age 5 to age 18. Since this film lasts 165 minutes, it will start early, at 6 PM in the lower level meeting room of the Library.

People should feel free to call the Library to ask any questions, such as the actual name of the film, at 508-548-8961. This film screening is free and open to the public.