Ukulele playing is popular in Cape Cod! In response to the continued demand in this part of the Cape, the Woods Hole Public Library is offering a six-week session of ukulele classes for beginning and intermediate level students on Mondays at 5:30 PM, starting February 6. The classes will run every Monday (except the holiday […]
Alan Steinbach, who has moved permanently from California to his lifetime summer home of Woods Hole, will lead a two-part workshop on one of his favorite avocations, mobile making, at the Woods Hole Public Library in June. Almost every summer in recent memory, Alan has entered one of his mobiles made of found objects from […]
Alan Steinbach, who has moved permanently from California to his lifetime summer home of Woods Hole, will lead a two-part workshop on one of his favorite avocations, mobile making, at the Woods Hole Public Library in June. Almost every summer in recent memory, Alan has entered one of his mobiles made of found objects from […]
The Woods Hole Public Library will be offering a collage workshop taught by artist/educator Rose Mosner on Thursdays, July 20 & July 27, and August 3 & 10, from 2-4 PM. Ms. Mosner, who summers in Woods Hole, has taught in the Washington, DC and New York City areas. Most recently, she has been teaching […]
The Woods Hole Public Library will be offering a collage workshop taught by artist/educator Rose Mosner on Thursdays, July 20 & July 27, and August 3 & 10, from 2-4 PM. Ms. Mosner, who summers in Woods Hole, has taught in the Washington, DC and New York City areas. Most recently, she has been teaching […]