The Woods Hole Public Library will present a program about ancient code-writing for children led by long-time Woods Hole summer resident and educator, Ruth Gainer. She will invite children to design codes and write secret messages on real papyrus from the Nile River in Egypt from her personal collection. She will show images of ancient […]

On Saturday, August 8, at 2 PM the Woods Hole Public Library will run a simplified “woodcut workshop” for children aged 6 and up. This event is scheduled to co-ordinate with the on-going exhibit of the art of Lucy Swope, who creates tiny books, using her own woodcuts to illustrate her stories. Although all the […]

Care of Winter Birds will be the subject of a program for kids at the Woods Hole Public Library on Saturday, November 14 at 2 PM. Both instructional and active, the program will be led by the librarians who will teach the children how to feed the birds through the winter. All will make garlands […]