The Woods Hole Public Library will be presenting a film starting at 3 PM for children of all ages every Saturday at 3 PM, as part of a Saturday afternoon of children’s activities following a Knitting Workshop at 2 PM, in January and February. The films are free and open to the public. For more […]

The Woods Hole Public Library will be presenting a Knitting Workshop, starting at 2 PM every Saturday in January and February, for children in 1st grade and older. The classes are open to knitters of all abilities, even none at all. Instruction will be provided. The children should bring their own needles and yarn, preferably […]

The Woods Hole Public Library will be showing the second in their  winter series of Films for Grown Ups on Monday evening, February 23 at 7 PM. This film was just released in October and has been nominated for an Oscar for Best Actress and for Golden Globe awards in Best Director, Best Actress, Best Screenplay, […]